Our Work:
Keycentrix Legacy Building

The historic Legacy Building, constructed in 1916 in downtown Wichita, stands as a testament to timeless architecture, with three floors.
Manhattan, KS
Acme Premier Design Co.
Total Square Feet:
Keycentrix Interior Office Remodel
Key Features:
Complted in 2023
Project Info
Given the building's rich history, a major overhaul was necessary to address the wear and tear accumulated over the years. A significant aspect of the renovation involved the replacement of the original elevators and stairs, replaced and crafted by Jeff, our onsite superintendent. Jeff, supported by the entire team, managed the overall construction process, ensuring precision and quality at every step. Preservation efforts were paramount, and extreme care was taken to safeguard the original tin ceilings, floors, window designs, and other distinctive features, thereby retaining the authentic ambiance and character of this historic structure. The coordination of construction activities across three floors demanded dedicated schedules, seamless communication among our trade partners, and Jeff's oversight. Consistent updates to the look-ahead schedule and effective communication within the construction team were crucial components of the project's success. The team's commitment to managing long lead items, adhering to historic preservation requirements, and adeptly navigating unforeseen challenges collectively contributed to making this renovation project a success all while finishing on time and on budget.