Our Work:
Abigail Morse Hall – Emporia, KS

The Abigail Morse Hall Remodel project includes repairs to the building envelope remodel to the building's interior, and two additions to the building.
Emporia, KS
Total Square ft:
Abigail Morse Hall
Key Features:
Icon Structures was selected to be the General Contractor to renovate this historically significant 1924 building on the campus of Emporia State University. The renovation restored Abigail Morse Hall as a unique living-learning community for the Emporia State University campus. The renovation provides a living-learning environment for 110 students. Unit types include traditional single and double-bed rooms and three-bed units on the 4th Floor where the sloping roof areas offer opportunities for rooms with unique geometries. Communities of 10 to 16 students are included on the residential floors, with shared private bathrooms, social lounges and study rooms. Guided by the principles of universal design, this residence hall will embrace and welcome everyone, and foster a sense of community and belonging. Additional upgrades to the building’s envelope, a complete remodeling of the building’s interior, universal accessibility and ADA compliance, a new elevator, replacement of all mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems, integration of code-compliant life safety systems including fire protection sprinklers, and the addition of up-to-date data technology.
Project Info
The building is a 5-story building of approximately 37,770 GSF, with student rooms located on the 1st through 4th floors, along with living-learning common spaces. The Garden floor is partially below finish grade, and houses additional common spaces, building support space and a staff apartment. All the work was completed through the school year on an active campus. All work had to be closely coordinated with student schedules to ensure construction traffic did not interfere with campus schedules.